Welcome! Please come in...

Hey there! Just another fashion blog in blogging town. Here, have some refreshments. Fresh from the oven! How about some tea? Enjoy yourself and take a seat. This might be a long one...

You see, I always thought that a blog without some sort of an introduction is like... a business without a mission statement. Or a book without a preface (not that most people read them). Since I like to differentiate between my X number of blogs (most of which are defunct), I feel I have to write some sort of explanation for the blog- even if it's oh so obvious. Afterall, I tend to ramble on and on and on and on...

But before that, let me warn you that the blog may sound like a curious outsider's point of view. I don't have the same depth of knowledge in the history of fashion, the stars of fashion or even fully comprend fashion-speak (there's only so many fashion terminology that you use daily). I can't help but wonder (or perhaps regret)... what I could have learnt from attending fashion school? I love the aspect of designing, and even more, watching small ideas spawn into something extraordinary. Perfection is beautiful, and one can't help but feel absorbed into that world.

And so I've decided to record my findings here, on Scrapbook F (can you guess what F stands for? No, not that F word, tsk tsk...). It will be a collection of findings or ideas which intrigue me. Have you read the amazing (but sadly inactive) Fashion Almanac? Ideally, that is exactly what I aim to achieve- an analysis of sorts in the world of fashion. However, I lack the neccessary components for something of that depth and size. Instead, I aim for something more simple, yet interesting in its own right- recording the influences of my favourite designers for each season. Sounds boring, I know, but it's a start. In my attempt to educate myself, I shall have a reference section where I'll try to define fashion through terminology, its history, and other items (more of a section for my convienence, so I'll try not to bore you). I believe DIY is the best way to put your ideas across and experiment so of course I will need some of those. And my doodles will be littered around the site so watch out!

Phew. That wasn't so long was it? Here, have another cookie for reading the entire thing (I have to admit that ''about me'' pages aren't exactly the most enlightening things in the world). Thanks for coming and I hope you enjoy your stay!

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